24/7 Assistance.

Wherever in the world your superyacht is located, the NMS team offers 24/7 assistance.
In an emergency situation, our DPA (Designated Person Ashore) mobilises our management team who will respond to any scenario, at any time, on any day.
A single phone call to our team will result in appropriate resources being directed to efficiently manage the scenario taking place. Our team shall assist with all communications as necessary and will also cordinate the required activities of the Coastal State, yachts’ Flag State and Classification Society, the owner’s personal office and the yacht’s insurance brokers and underwriters.

Full and detailed evidence shall be taken to provide an accurate time line of events to be supplied for any consequential insurance claims or investigations.
We regularly exercise our team and conduct annual drills between each yacht and the office based team, as well as putting real life pressure on the team during our annual simulator training exercises during which the captains of our yachts are invited to attend.